February 24, 2025
Dream 10X Episode 80: The Man In The High Castle
Things happen fast, during the time of transition in a totalitarian society. There have been, in Nazi Germany, tattered lists of names over which men have pored before…“‘The Man In The High Castle’, by Philip K. Dick, pg. 258
Five Key Takeaways
Key Takeaways:
- The book is a bit more abstract than the Amazon Series. The Amazon Series has a better story line and is more engaging.
- Books play a central role in this book. ‘The Grasshopper Lies Heavy’ and the ‘I Ching Book of Change’ are central to the evolution of this story.
- Mr. Tagomi, a central Japanese character, plays a crucial role in the story and helps save the world.
- The story contains a mix of Japanese and Chinese cultures, which were noted by Japanese reviewers as not accurately representing Japanese culture.
- Nazi Rocket Technology is another interesting tenet of this story. Lufthansa operates the rocket company that transits people from coast to coast. Nazis have also colonized Mars.
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