Dream 10X Episode 81: The Laws Of Simplicity
'The Laws Of Simplicity', by John Maeda

March 03, 2025

Dream 10X Episode 81: The Laws Of Simplicity

A review of the John Maeda Book called, 'The Laws Of Simplicity'.

A certain kind of more is always better than less - more care, more love, and more meaningful actions.John Maeda, ‘The Laws Of Simplicity’, pg. 71

Five Key Takeaways

  • Reduce: Take things away to make systems as simple as possible, then add back functionality.
  • Time Savings: Improve simplicity by reducing the time needed to complete tasks.
  • Learn: Knowledge simplifies objects, and simple icons and metaphors help users understand applications.
  • Aichaku: A Japanese term for a love for, or sense of attachment to, an object, which can be a good thing.
  • Chanoyu: The author’s participation in a Japanese Tea Ceremony (or Chanoyu) with design icon, Ikko Tanaka, describes the simplicity and aesthetics surrounding the practice.

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