March 16, 2021
Personal Voyages Into Leadership
I live alone, I train alone!Clubber Lang, Rocky 3
Your Leadership Vision Statement
Who do you want to become? Why do you want to become that? What change do you want to make or become in the world? Perhaps one way affect change in your life and the world is to define a Leadership Vision Statement for yourself.
What is a Leadership Vision Statement? It’s a statement you write and apply that motivates you to lean into personal, and thus, global change around you. Why bother with something like this? Well, I guess it’s only worth the trouble if you are restless with the status quo and want change in your life.
Steps To Create Your Leadership Statement
Here’s a PDF that might help you in deriving your own Personal Leadership Vision Statement:
My Swag At A Personal Leadership Statement
This was my first cut at writing my own Leadership Statement (as you might hear on the podcast). This was a bit harder than I thought it would be, but I kind of like the idea of associating such grandiose statements with my professional persona.
Here’s my first cut at it:
“I boldy go where no man has gone before!”
I need to tighten that up a little…
Relevant Links
James Caple
podcast leadership learning catalyst change organizational learning vision statement