blog – August 25, 2023

Rowing The Potomac River

Dream 10X Blog In this episode, we talk about our 158 mile row down the entire length of the Potomac River, from Gravelly Point Park, in Arlington, Virginia, to Smith Point Marina, in Reedville, Virginia, in the summer of 2023. It was the best of times. Read More ›

blog – June 20, 2023

The Long Lost Coffey Single

Dream 10X Blog My first rowing single was a Coffey, which I had bought from a woman in Indiana somewhere near Indianapolis (if I recall correctly). This was back in 1993. I had just finished graduate school in Germany and had moved back home for a brief period of time trying to get my bearings and to build a strategy for the next steps of my life. My dream was to row in the '96 Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia, and I had no idea how to go about achieving that... Read More ›

blog – June 13, 2023

Driven To Succeed

Dream 10X Blog What do you think it takes for an immigrant to become a citizen in a foreign land, with virtually no money and precious few contacts, to go on and create a multi-billion dollar company? For the majority of mere mortals, even in the best of circumstances, this feat is hard to even imagine. Yet, the life of Frank Hasenfratz, founder of the Linamar Corporation, is a wonderful example of how to achieve the near impossible. In this Dream 10X post, we do a quick review of the Rod McQueen and Susan M. Papp book, 'Driven To Succeed', about the life and success of Hungarian-Canadian, Frank Hasenfratz. Read More ›

blog – May 15, 2023

An Interview With Blacksmith Artist Ellen Durkan

Dream 10X Blog After discovering that metal could be shaped according to one's vision and physical effort, blacksmith artist, Ellen Durkan, decided to start making wearable art out of forged metal. Discovering this path less traveled, she decided to trail-blaze her own career path in the field of blacksmith art. Where others more commonly forge items such as knives, swords or cooking utensils, Ellen uses her forging and welding skills to create beautiful, wearable pieces of art. However, as is often the case in traveling the road less traveled, the journey can be challenging at times. Ellen tells us the story of her journey in discovering her authentic self as a blacksmith artist. Read More ›

blog – April 10, 2023

The Hard Thing About Hard Things

Dream 10X Blog One of the hard things I frequently encounter in my own life is the constant realization of so many simple things that I just do not know (yet). For example, after reading this book and researching this blog post a bit, I came to the stark realization of what the term 'Numeronym' means. Most real software engineers are probably already intimately aware of this word's definition. Numeronym's like 'k8s' for kubernetes, or 'i18n' for internationalization, or 'l10n' for localization are frequently used in technology circles. I have seen these spellings for many years without even realizing why they were spelled like the were, or even questioning why they were spelled that way. Embarrassing huh? When I saw the name of Ben Horowitz and Marc Andreessen's investment firm, 'a16z', I finally dedicated a few minutes to learning the origin of the name. I guess this is one of the reasons I can never stop reading and learning. The Ben Horowitz book, 'The Hard Thing About Hard Things', shares some really big leadership lessons to learn from as well, which we discuss in this blog/video/podcast. Read More ›