blog – June 19, 2022

Cortex, Ergo Sum: 'On Intelligence,' by Jeff Hawkins

Dream 10X Blog One of my more memorable tasks as a young software engineer was to develop a Java Application Programming Interface (API) to help other software engineers write enterprise software for exchanging and synchronizing PalmOS Database (PDB) data with back-end data stores, like Oracle, Sybase and SQLServer. Learning to parse and construct PDB files using Java code was a professionally challenging and fulfilling exercise for me at the time. The creator and big thinker behind the Palm Platform, Jeff Hawkins, still continues to amaze and delight me. In this episode, Cindy and I discuss our child-like fascination and learning of neuroscience, AI and Machine Learning referencing Jeff's 2004 book, 'On Intelligence'. Read More ›

blog – June 04, 2022

Secrets Of Billionaires: A Brief Study Of Sam Zell

Dream 10X Blog When Russia and Germany signed their Nonagression Pact on August 23rd, 1939, Sam Zell's father knew it was time to get his family out of Poland. His foresight saved his family and eventually gave birth to one of America's more prominent Billionaires. Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939. In his book, 'Am I Being Too Subtle?', Sam Zell chronicles the story of his life and subsequent meteoric rise to success in America. Read More ›

blog – May 14, 2022

DOTCOM Secrets - How To Funnel Money Into Your Company

Dream 10X Blog He essentially started out selling potato gun plans online. He placed some Google Ads to drive traffic to his site. Sold potato gun plans for more than it cost to advertise and realized a profit. Then Google changed the advertising algorithm and pricing that turned Russell Brunson's profit to a near-term loss. The solution to this near-term problem? In short, upselling. Eventually, Russell Brunson became a co-founder of 'ClickFunnels' with partner Todd Dickerson. Brunson's book, 'DOTCOM Secrets', is itself a sales funnel describing and explaining how to build sales funnels for your company's products. 'DOTCOM Secrets' is a fascinating journey into the intersection of web technology, sales and business in general. Afterall, revenue (and profit) is king. Read More ›

blog – May 1, 2022

Five Ideas To Help 10X Your Learning

Dream 10X Blog Technology continues to increase the pace of change in the world. Humanity's ability to adapt to change can affect one's relevance, success, and even survival in a swiftly evolving world. From climate change to inflation to digital currency to space travel to intelligent automation, there is quite enough change for us to try to comprehend these days. We no longer have 10,000 hours to become experts in all of the things we need to master in order to survive and thrive in the present, much less the near-future. Investing in yourself and your continued learning is more important now than ever. In this podcast, Dr. Caple and I discuss some potential ways we might be able to 10X our learning to try to keep pace with the change happening in the world today. Read More ›

blog – April 24, 2022

Three Principles Governing Explosive Personal Growth

Dream 10X Blog Her Class is 'Barbarian'. Her Level is 1. Race is 'Tiefling'. Background is 'Wildling/Outlander'. This is a beginning sketch of Dr. Caple's Dungeons and Dragons character, 'Leroy Jenkins'. She's tough and bold, chaotic neutral, and ready to take on whatever adventures her Dungeon Master throws at her...ahem. Believe it or not, all of this relates to her three principles governing explosive personal growth. I command you to grow! So read and listen on... Read More ›