blog – February 07, 2022

The Mindfulness Series

Dream 10X Blog As synchronicity would have it, many different streams of 'mindfulness' have meandered my way in the last few weeks and months. As a result, Cindy and I thought it would be beneficial to explore the concept of 'mindfulness' in the next few podcast episodes, especially as it closely relates to a few books I've read recently. In this podcast episode, which takes place at a friend's house in Kansas City, Kansas, Cindy gives us a high-level overview of what mindfulness is, how to approach it, and why it's important and beneficial in our professional lives. Read More ›

blog – December 26, 2021

Cult of the Purple Cow

Dream 10X Blog For those familiar with the 'Cult of the Dead Cow' (cDc), this episode title is just a nod to cDc even though it has nothing really to do with the cDc or computer security. However, one could make the leap that we are ultimately trying to 'hack' our way to success by creating 'Purple Cows'. I recently read Seth Godin's book, 'Purple Cow', which is actually about marketing and advertising. Seth Godin essentially asserts that only members of the 'Purple Cow Cult' (my term) will survive and succeed in the new era of online sales and marketing. Here are my top 5 takeways from this book! Read More ›

blog – November 28, 2021

Learning To Sell: 'Sales For Noobs'

Dream 10X Blog In my opinion, no matter what your profession, you are involved in sales of some sort. We all find ourselves trying to sell an idea, personal position, product or service at various points in our personal and professional lives. The person with the best sales skills generally wins in advancing their position and closing the deal. 'Sales For Noobs', by John Sterling, is a great introduction to this much needed skill. Read More ›

blog – November 7, 2021

My Interview With Global Entrepreneur Jeff Hoffman

Dream 10X Blog In honor of this week being Global Entrepreneurship Week, I am THRILLED to share my recent interview with Chairman of the Board of the Global Entrepreneurship Network, Jeff Hoffman. Jeff is a highly successful serial entrepreneur with a wealth of experience. He is also an awesome story teller! So please enjoy some of Jeff's anecdotes about his experiences being an entrepreneur. Read More ›

blog – October 17, 2021

'The Road To Success': The Journey's The Thing

Dream 10X Blog This month I had the privilege of talking with Brandon T. Adams about his book, 'The Road To Success', which he co-authored with his wife, Samantha. These two entrepreneurs sold their belongings and left Iowa to create a television series called 'Success In Your City'. They almost went broke, got married along the way, made hosts of new friends, and even won an Emmy on their journey. I apologize before hand for the poor audio quality, but the content's the thing! Read More ›